Key Accomplishments

  • Created an understanding of the seven factors leading to “Positivity” on a leadership team and then coached the team in developing and adopting best team positivity practices.
  • Demonstrated to a team how the absence of feedback processes was negatively affecting their team effectiveness. Through coaching sessions the team integrated multiple feedback processes into team operations.
  • Fostered the realization there was a lack of team orientation when challenges arose. Subsequently the team brought challenges to the monthly Quantum Teams coaching calls and developed a collaborative approach to problems.
  • Apprised a geographically distant team of how their organizational structure was damaging team communication. By clarifying roles and responsibilities with each other and developing a new communications protocol, the team created greater synergy and an enhanced appreciation of everyone’s contributions.
  • Led a team in acknowledging their challenges with conflict and the impact it was having on morale and productivity. Coached them in the creation of agreements for having a constructive relationship with conflict.
  • Educated a small and rapidly growing team as to the importance of having a TEAM vision and statement of values, distinct from their company’s vision and mission statements. With the new vision and values the team incorporated new “operating principles”, enabling them to quickly and respectfully address communications problems.
  • Validated a large team’s concerns about the inadequacy of their recognition systems within the team. During a coaching session, the team developed specialized systems of acknowledgement and appreciation that encouraged greater positivity and productivity on the team.
  • Encouraged a rapidly growing, time-constrained team to understand how their ineffective decision-making was further constraining their busy schedules. Through coaching they created a more efficient decision-making process.
  • Revealed how a team’s lack of clear goals and strategies prevented them from obtaining the appropriate resources to get the job done. With on-going coaching, the team developed a long range business vision, clear goals and strategies and specific resource requests, leading to greatly enhanced team performance.
  • Showed team that drawing out all opinions on their team — even the unpopular ones — contributes to heightened levels of creativity. The team began the practice of proactively soliciting all perspectives and discovered team creativity was enhanced and they were making smarter decisions.